
    The compass is an invaluable tool for quickly orienting yourself and understanding the general direction of a location. It becomes especially useful when you need to pinpoint specific roads or geographical features in unfamiliar territory.

    Determining Your Hemisphere

    To effectively use the compass in your navigation:

    1. Locate the Compass: Ensure you have access to the compass feature in your application or game.
    2. Observe the Sun's Position: If visible, take note of where the sun is in the sky. Keep in mind that the sun may not always be apparent.
    3. Understand Compass Orientation: The red end of the compass needle consistently points north.

    Identifying Your Hemisphere:

    • If the Sun is in the North: You are situated in the Southern Hemisphere.
    • If the Sun is in the South: You are located in the Northern Hemisphere.

    How to "Line Up" Your View

    The compass can assist you in aligning your street view with the map, allowing for a more accurate navigation experience. Here’s how to line up your view:

    1. Rotate Your Camera: Adjust your camera so that the compass needle points north.
    2. Tilt Your View: Angle your view downward until you can see the ground clearly.
    3. Scan for Landmarks: Look for roads, coastlines, or other identifiable features on the minimap that align with your current view. Remember, the minimap always points north, making it easier to match geographical features.

    In platforms like OpenGuessr, you can also click on the compass icon to automatically rotate your view to face north, streamlining this process.

    When Is "Lining Up" Beneficial?

    Aligning your view using the compass can significantly enhance your navigation skills, especially when exploring new areas or trying to identify specific locations. Successfully lining up your view can earn you valuable experience points (XP), such as 500 XP for completing guide quizzes.

    Understanding the Two Hemispheres

    Not everyone may be familiar with Earth's two hemispheres, so here's a brief overview:

    • The Equator divides Earth into two halves: the Northern Hemisphere (upper half) and the Southern Hemisphere (lower half).
    • For instance, Europe is entirely situated in the Northern Hemisphere, while Oceania lies within the Southern Hemisphere.

    By mastering how to use the compass and understanding your surroundings, you can navigate confidently and enhance your exploration experience. Happy navigating!